OKO Reporter

OKO Reporter Issue 4

OKO Reporter issue 3         OKO Reporter Issue 2        OKO Reporter Issue 1

Sharing knowledge and experience

War crimes lawyers and academics often find it difficult to obtain information about ongoing trials and legal decisions. The OKO War Crimes Reporter collects together information on war crimes cases from Bosnia and Herzegovina and around the region.

Regional reporting

The OKO Reporter is published four times a year, in English and Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian. It contains law reports of decisions from courts in BiH and also from Serbia and Montenegro and Croatia. It is designed to be a regular source of up to date case law interpreting war crimes codes in the former Yugoslavia.
In addition to the case reports, there is up to date information on the work of OKO and developments before the Court of BiH, together with short articles. Each edition will also have one or two longer articles looking in detail at a legal problem relevant to war crimes trials.


OKO Reporter is distributed to all advocates in BiH who are on the list of advocates licensed to appear before the Court, and to others who wish to be included. It is also sent to lawyers and academics in the region who are working on war crimes issues.

The English language version of the OKO Reporter is sent to lawyers around the world working in the field of international humanitarian law. If you would like to be included on the mailing list, please send your details to oko@okobih.ba.


OKO welcomes contributions of articles on current issues and developments in war crimes law. Please contact the editor via oko@okobih.ba.


The OKO War Crimes Reporter may be cited by year, edition number and page. The contents page of the first edition of the English language version is cited (2005) 1 OKO WCR 2, and the local language version (2005) 1 OKO RRZ 2.